irrigation electric water pump supplier

Irrigation electric water pump produce consistent flow and pressure in the irrigation system, providing higher water flows and pressures than are available from the mains water supply. Pumps must be attached to a water storage tank and not directly to the water mains.

irrigation electric water pump supplier

comparing electric and diesel water pumps

comparing electric and diesel water pumps Energy Costs

  • ELECTRIC: When there is convenient access to the electric battery powered water pump irrigation, operating an electric pump can be very cost-effective. However, this is not the case when infrastructure like poles and wires aren’t already in point (requiring you to dish out a rather extreme network connection fee). The cost for electricity changes according to when it is consumed (higher during peak periods), as well as where – but there is also uncertainty with regard to how expensive electricity will be in the future. Overall, when a connection to grid power is possible and no line extensions are needed, swapping out a diesel pump with one that is electric can bring down operating costs drastically today – when the current cost of electricity means around $150–$250/MWh.
  • DIESEL: The high and alternating prices of fuel today can render diesel pumps a rather costly option, especially when you factor in the size and horsepower of your pump individually. There are also maintenance costs including the installation of controls, which are higher than that of electric pumps.In conclusion, if you consider that average electricity costs usually range between $150 and $250/MWh – this shows more than twice the running cost of an electric generator.

Maintenance and Reliability

  • ELECTRIC: Electric pumps win in the maintenance sector, with little labor requirements involved. These motors don’t need to be refueled and don’t require the monitoring and replacement of oil and filters. They simply demand some lubrication four times out of the year. Electric pumps also integrate quite easily with digital systems, with a simpler installation of pump and changeable speed drive (VSD) controls when compared to diesel engines. Since they can be operated and processed remotely, this can help reduce costs associated with power surges. According to Meta Economics Consulting Group, studies have shown that farmers value the reliability of electricity supply more than most other large consumer groups, but, are also not tend to pay a higher price for higher reliability despite the particularly destructive impact of an extensive power outage could have on-farm operations. Luckily though, there are cost-effective options when it comes to ensuring your farm has reliable backup power through all seasons.
  • DIESEL: Diesel pumps need a little more maintenance and attention. Depending on the system, a pump engine may require run for long periods of time which would require constant refueling of the engine along with regular checking of oil levels/filters. However, the extensive power range/stamina as well as the water availability of diesel pumps makes it a worthwhile option for many farmers – not to mention the advanced technology it employs is very user-friendly.

Environmental Impact and Efficiencies

  • ELECTRIC: The good news about electric pumps is that they can range from 50-85% efficiency. An electric motor also requires much less carbon emission energy compared to a diesel engine and also produces less noise.
  • DIESEL: Diesel pumps do produce a higher level of direct greenhouse gas emissions when compared to the other two options, with some pumps ranging from only 20-35% efficiencies. But unfortunately also contributes to air pollution, global warming, and even soil and groundwater pollution due to spills.

electric water pump for irrigation

electric water pump for irrigation The heart of most irrigation systems is a pump. To make an irrigation system as efficient as possible, the pump must be chosen to match the requirements of the water source, the water distribution system and the irrigation facilities. Pumps used for irrigation include centrifugal, deep-well turbine, submersible and propeller pumps. Actually, turbine, submersible, and propeller pumps are special forms of centrifugal pumps. Nevertheless, their names are common in the industry.

irrigation electric water pump wholesale

irrigation electric water pump wholesale You can buy best irrigation pump and electric irrigation water pumps from our store. From industrial water pumps for sale, to pump sets and water pump accessories, we stock a broad range of supplies at our components warehouse.

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